The BiG OraNGe .cOm

Ongoing Exhibition at

Painting its History & the City.
This Grand Old Pub, hidden off the High down its cobbled alley, is a large traditioablly styled open planned establishment that has been severing the cities Town & Gown since the fourteenth century. Maybe even longer thoughout its Chequerd past! (Ker-Boom-Cha!) Its steeped in all sorts of History, from the ye old classics pub tales that any Ale house worth its salt that has been around this long will have, with the great names of the day getting plastered with the rest, and now the locals themselves creating their own history via the power of that glorious golden nector that we still gusel down today! However this particulat public house has more than its fair share of the bizare when you go through its yesteryears & this is where I enter stage right.
The aim is to make Art with creative colour to match the colourful stories that this Inn has to offer! Although I have no doubt these tales will be enbleshed & are probably far from the actual truth, I like to imagine them as real. But when has the truth got in the way of good yarn? And besisdes the ones who knew are all 6 ft deep and then some. Plus timing is everything, theres nothing worse than a grand saga being ruined & wasted because of someones dreadful delivery, life needs lots of love & laughter. Anyway, alongside art that will document the Chequers comedy's & chronlics is a selection Oxford city scapes, mainly adorning the walls in the courtyard. These paintings will change along the way but they are the core base of my artwork.(Examples are above, around & about the site).
A (reasonably)
Short Explanation
Art & Story Coming Soon...