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The aim for all my work & projects whilst based from the West Oxford Community Centre is to help change the attitude of people in regards to Graffiti & the Graffiti art movement....


An art form that embraces a huge & wide stream of methods, materials, mediums & styles. Throughout this website you can find work & ideas that will hopefully show you what I see - A diverse & exciting social international Art Movement which has no limits ! (as of yet).


However I am aware that to most, Graffiti is NOT art - Street Art is art, Murals are art, Urban public program projects encourage the Arts. But whatever word you dress it up as, its all the same thing really in my view. It all falls under the epic umbrella of Graffiti. Although Shitty art isn't great but sometimes even straight up bombastic in your face vandalism is great art - but theirs a paper thin line, a mar-mite subject in any case. 


So unfortunately I generally find that 9 times out of 10 people, only focus on the negative & solely associate the graffiti art movement with vandalism. Big egos, crappy scribbled tags with poor technique don't help - but you have to start somewhere ! That Aerosol Art is obsessive & once you start its hard not to stop! So with that in mind please see more than just the one tin trick & look for a bigger picture, giving Graffiti the time & energy it deserves.


Thus, through my own efforts & the tireless efforts of friends, artists, professionals, colleagues, acquaintances & you ! I hope that in my home town of Oxford we will push forward for more opportunities for outdoor arts... so this is my plan.


Legal walls

The idea is simple! be continued...







So I intend through the successes & failures of this project to expand it around the city. Adding colour and vibrancy to disused or run down areas. Within these art projects I hope to include the help and talents of local artists, students and anyone who is willing. I will be using recycled paint and materials, and hope to gain donations from the local community so that the project is ran by the community for the community. This isn't a project that can happen overnight, but by generating a start point at WOCC, I can expand it for years to come, finding new locations and groups of people to be involved in it. 


Once the project is up and running, I will keep updating, adapting and continuing this work. 



Hello from the west oxford Community centre.
Thank you for this great opportunity !  

The aim for all my work & projects whilst based from the West Oxford Community Centre is to help change the attitude of people in regards to Graffiti & the Graffiti art movement.


THe PLan...!




Read full Statement further below...

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JAN 2018

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